+Numbers of the Pig Iron Industry in Minas Gerais

1. Associated Companies 23
2. Installed Capacity: tons/year 6.6 million
3. Forest Plantations:  ha 360 thousand
4. Pig Iron Production in 2014: tons 2.91 million
5. Sales in the domestic market:  tons 1.94 million
6. Gross Income in 2014 US$ 967.2 million
     6.1. Total Exports in 2014 US$ 394.4 million
7. Direct and Indirect Jobs 86,600



Tax Revenue – R$ 1,000.00

Year State Taxes Federal Taxes TOTAL
2011 215.960.80 219.133.60 435.094.40
2012 291.780.00 232.909.70 524.689.70
2013 310.767,70 274.584,50 585.352,20
2014 193.405,00 243.862,10 437.267,10